Blog 3

 Thinking about what kind of job I’d like to have… makes me wonder what I really want, since future is uncertain. Right now, I’d love working at a laboratory, doing my own investigations or helping my peers with theirs. I imagine everyday thinking about how to go on with my investigation, trying to prove whatever hypothesis comes to my mind. Obviously, there’s some skills involved at the lab. I’d need to have a sharp mind, good logical thinking, but at the same time, be capable of thinking outside the box. And, at last, be a good team worker. It’s always great to have some teammates in the laboratory, since they can help you in whatever task you require them to help, or you can help them. The salary is hard to say. I don’t really have anything in mind, I’d like to make enough money to be in a spot where you don’t have to think about it. Just enough to be happy and at ease. Right now, I’m studying Chemistry. Because I love getting to know what’s behind everything. Have you ever wondered, how does the world work?Thinking about nature itself or trying to unravel the secrets that our universe hides. Well, I like thinking about logical answers, and chemistry is all about that. That’s why, I decided to take that degree, and why I’d love to keep finding answers to things we see in a daily basis.


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